Got an app idea?
Get market validation
Let’s face it; sometimes a sketch just doesn’t cut it. Imagine your product is a hammer. Is your hammer good at driving in a nail? It is pretty hard to say just looking at a drawing, right? What weight should it be? How does it swing in your hand?
For us this is what many apps are like. Who knew they needed Snap Chat or Instagram until they used it?
We say, put your product in the hand of your users to find out.

A startup is an organization formed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.
Global consumer spending on premium apps, in-app purchases, and subscriptions across Apple’s App Store and Google Play will reach $270 billion annually by 2025, nearly 2.5 times what consumers spent in 2020. (Sensor Tower Store Intelligence data)
Why build a mobile first startup?
- Optimise your users' experience
- Continuously engage with your customer
- Keep your 'brand in the pocket' of loyal customers
- 90% of under 30s own a smartphone
- Australia & USA are approaching 75% smartphone ownership.
As old school as it may sound, Waterfall is our preferred app development methodology for the initial build. By the time we write the first line of code, we have carefully refined your idea and designed the app both graphically and architecturally. Our extensive app design approach eliminates the uncertainty in time and cost that the Agile methodology introduces to the first build. We quickly move from the rigid Waterfall to Agile methodology once your startup iterates.
Innovation is our currency. We have been through the tech accelerator experience with our own startups, building two-sided market places and social platforms. Validating ideas, “flearning” (fail learning), capital raising, business models… Lean Startup is our language.
Our last 3 most successful projects helped their founders secure a combined $10.7 million valuation and raise $2.3 million in capital. Let us help you bring your app idea to life. READ MORE
App Advantage
Apps provide startups the ideal platform to launch. The app stores provide the market distribution, scale and a range of options for monetization.
Solid Architecture
Many companies build 'throw away MVPs'. This is not our approach. As we are building the core of your future business, our apps are fully designed graphically and engineered to be extended.
Startup Bred
Our team was forged in a high pace startup. Our extensive startup experience will help you accelerate your MVP to market.
Measure, Learn, Act
Metrics Matter. Are users behaving as expected? How can you increase engagement? We integrate the necessary tools to measure results and obtain actionable data.
By pivot or by customer demand; your product needs the flexibility to iterate. We adopt continuous integration & deployment to support robust product evolution.
Code Handover
Your team is growing rapidly... that's awesome! Our code is well written, best practice and developed on quality architectures so it will be easy for your new developers to pickup.