How coronavirus is impacting the mobile app economy in the APAC region? A rapid spread of the coronavirus aka COVID-19 in the last couple of weeks has seen an increased in consumers’ demand for mobile apps, as governments around the world introduce radical measures to stop its spread, including social distancing, work from home and lockdown policies. Now we are seeing how these measures are bringing changes to the way consumers interact and consume mobile technology.

“Starting from Asia, coronavirus has gripped the world, work and life has been dramatically altered in every country and region.

China’s city lockdowns began in January, hence we saw daily time spent in mobile in China jump to 5 hours per day on average in February, an increase of 30% compared to the average for 2019. As another market hit early on by coronavirus, the average weekly game downloads in South Korea were up 35% compared to the 2019 weekly average.

Under working from home policies, you must be surrounded by all kinds of apps to communicate, collaborate and teleconference to continue working without interruption. As of March 31, ZOOM Cloud Meetings ranks #1 for overall iPhone app downloads (across all games and apps) in 95 markets, including Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Philippines and Hong Kong, and #1 in among Business apps on iPhones in 141 markets.”

Source: Mobile data and analytics platform, App Annie.

Live webinar on Wednesday, April 15th at 11AM SGT (GMT+8) to hear about the effects of the coronavirus on the APAC region


  • How social distancing, work from home and government lockdown policies have increased consumers’ demand for mobile
  • How consumers are seeking entertainment on mobile across Gaming, Social Media and Video Streaming
  • What apps are driving growth in collaboration for businesses
  • Which food and grocery delivery apps consumers are turning to
  • How consumers are weathering economic instability through finance apps
  • How medical and health and fitness apps are helping consumers relieve pressure on healthcare systems
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