Using App Gamification to Increase User Retention

  We recently received an enquiry asking if we had any gamification app related experience. I was impressed; it is not often we get asked about app gamification right off the bat. Instead, it generally comes out while brainstorming with a client their app UX design and discuss different strategies we could use to increase user engagement. However, for a reason I cannot explain, it occurred to me that perhaps this person referred to 'gamification' as a game app and hoping to find a mobile app developer. And with that, I felt compelled to write about gamification strategies in apps…

App development: 5 awesome tips to get you started

  Are you thinking of building an app? Well, the truth is that the app development world is vast!  Whether you have a startup changing the world with the 'new bliss' or looking at bringing efficiencies or scaling your existing business,  finding the right app developer is only one part of the equation and deserves a blog post in its own right. Let's assume you have found an app development company that is the right match for you; What's next? How do you build your app success? Or in other words, How can you be better prepared to ensure you…

Apps within apps – End of apps as we know them?

I wondered how long it would take for apps to start integrating with other apps.  The first app I noticed this occurrence was Uber - integrating Password1 to retrieve a filed Uber password.  Upon reflecting this really was nothing new in that Stripe and Braintree payments have been in apps for a long time via SDKs. With the arrival of the Apple Watch early 2015 users are likely to expect more than ever a consistent experience across all devices (smartphone, smartwatch, desktop and tablet).  The components in the fabric of the OSs are already supporting this concept through notifications across…